Practitioner Hub

At the Institute of Advanced Investment Management (IAIM), a crucial objective is to bridge the gap between academic research and teaching and the investment industry. This mission is aimed at establishing UU as a prominent figure in the field, drawing the attention of leading industry professionals to engage with I-AIM’s researchers and students. This unique approach sets I-AIM apart as a university research center that prioritizes connecting high-quality research with real-world demand for innovative ideas and solutions.

Annual IAIM Conference

IAIM’s annual conference will bring together top researchers, practitioners, and industry leaders to discuss cutting-edge issues in investments, providing a platform for networking, keeping up-to-date with industry developments, and exchanging ideas and experiences.

CFA & CAIA Events

By sponsoring the local chapters of Chartered Financial Analyst and Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst associations, IAIM aims to strengthen the connection between industry, research, and teaching while also engaging leading industry professionals, including alumni, with the University of Utah.

Finance Projects

IAIM offers undergraduate students the chance to participate in the Student Investment Fund, a class that manages an approximately $1 million investment portfolio. An important component of the class is to work with investment firms to help them improve their investment process.

Fidelity Partnership