Experiential Student Learning

Support. Host. Help. Offer.

The Institute of Advanced Investment Management (IAIM) will aid in advancing student experiential learning and career goals. This includes hosting career fairs, including an annual event specifically curated to connect students with top investment firms. IAIM will provide support to student finance clubs and create a hub for connecting with each other and planning events. Students will have opportunities to attend events hosted by IAIM, thereby gaining exposure to fresh ideas and networking opportunities.

Undergraduate Student Investment Fund

The Student Investment Fund (SIF) provides undergraduate students with hands-on investment experience, where they manage a $1,000,000 portfolio of exchange-listed equities, ETFs, and money market investments, perform individual and group research projects, learn analytical techniques, and make presentations before leading finance practitioners.

Masters Student Investment Fund


Career Fair

Our career fair is an excellent opportunity for students to explore career paths, network with professionals, and potentially secure job or internship opportunities.

Endowment Management


Finance Clubs

Finance clubs at the David Eccles School of Business provide resources, opportunities, and networking events to help students gain practical experience, develop their skills and knowledge, and build connections with peers and professionals in the finance industry.