The Opportunity Scholars program at the David Eccles School of Business recognizes the crucial role that professional mentors play in the success of Eccles students. As such, they’ve developed a unique annual mentoring program that partners industry leaders with students. These mentors offer real-world perspectives, helping students navigate the complexities of the business world, make informed career choices, and develop essential skills.

Earlier this month, they kicked off 2023-24 with a networking event featuring presentations from program alumni and Ashlee Roberts, a Business Career Coach from U Career Success. Ashlee spoke about the importance of mentorship and how to build meaningful connections. She was followed by mentor Mary Draper, Advisory Board Member, and Opportunity Scholars Alum Susma Gurung, who discussed the program’s impact from their unique experience.

“I’m excited about the mentoring program because I will get to connect with a mentor I can learn from professionally how to navigate the working world as a first-generation student,” said Kristy Ong, Senior. “It’s helped me realize that I can build a connection with professionals even as an undergraduate.”

The Opportunity Scholars Program aims to support and enhance the educational experience of first-generation business students as they progress toward graduation. For more information, visit Eccles.Link/opportunity-scholars.

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